Saturday, September 10, 2011

911 Remembrance - God Is Watching Over All

In memory of the horrific events of September 11th, I wanted to share 
inspiration that came to me as I prayed for the people involved. 

 I expressed
my feelings to God that I knew He could have lessened the tragedy, I heard
the Spirit whisper in my mind that He had.  I was inspired to remember all
the stories that had been told of those who were late  to work that day, those
who had gone downstairs, those who had been told to go back up
and decided not to.  My heart swelled in gratitude.  

The news reported that the terrorists intentions were to 
kill 50,000 people and although the loss of life was 
horrific, it certainly wasn't as many as the
terrorists had hoped for.

  Even in the worst
times of our lives we can find things to be
grateful for.

(Photo from Google images)

(Quote from Pinterest)

Posting this with
Seasonal Sunday


  1. What a great post. I firmly believe that out of everything bad, God will bring about something good. I think 9/11 was full of Gods goodness.

  2. I know that my prayer for the day is 'May the innocents rest in peace, and my eternal light shine upon them'.

  3. What a beautiful and touching post. Thank you for the inspiration!

  4. What a nice tribute to have "run into." And the quote about waking up tomorrow with only the things we thanked God for...wonderful. Thank you.

  5. What a beautiful post...enjoy your sunday in peace and from

  6. Today our priest at church talked about forgiveness and peace and this post certainly resonates with me and reflects what he was saying. We should always find things to be grateful for.

    Thanks for linking up your pinterest profile. I will shoot you an email to see what I can do to help re the embedding.

    Best wishes,

  7. This weekend's weather is having a visceral affect on me because it is exactly like that crisp, clear fateful day 10 years ago. My brother & cousin were in Pentagon & are unhurt. My heart goes out to the families whose loved ones died.
    I'm taking your pinterest quote to heart and am trying to thank G-d more fully & completely everyday.

  8. That was a lovely and sad post. Take care.

  9. from far...with my little tribute on my little blog..I wish to thank you and hug you and your great Nation..... ciao Flavia

  10. A beautiful job on the tribute post. That day made me take stock of what I had and how easily I could lose it. I enjoyed hearing your version of that day.

  11. WOW!!!!!!!! No truer words were ever spoken... THANK YOU for doing a post on this painful subject. We must all REMEMBER every day & do what we can to help the healing continue. HUGS!

  12. That's a very thought provoking quote. Thanks for sharing it, Jacqueline.

  13. I grew up two blocks from the World Trade Center. I was so close they lit up my bedroom, I actually would say stare at them out my window everynight when I was little in awe of them. I was on my way to the mall under the north tower to buy a shampoo. On my way there I seen where the first airplane hit. As i stood there in shock when out of no where the ground rumbled and a second plane which was so close to me I felt like i could reach out and touch it, slammed in to the south tower. When the fire ball exploded out the ground shook and the people who were in front of me turned to run and trampled over me. I picked myself up and ran straight to my daughters preschool screaming the whole way because I had just witnessed hundreds of people killed in an instant. I could go on about that day but it's still very hard for me to talk about. This is the first time I have written about this. Today is a very dark day but the spirit of us New Yorkers are strong and we have and continue to march on. Rest in peace angels of 911. That picture you have up of the second plane hitting is how close i was that day. That vision will never leave my mind.

  14. It seems every generation lives through one horrific event. I pray that our grandchildren never have to. Wonderful quote!

  15. Jacqueline -- thanks for the post. I saw that post on Pinterest yesterday and today I took it to heart when I thanked Heavenly Father more extensively and more thoughfully. The quote fits perfectly with that horrific event as so many lost their loved ones. Joni

  16. Thank you for this amazing post. I especially love the quote. I think my prayers are going to be a little longer now :-)

  17. Thank you for sharing this insight Jackie. So true.


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